Visa Express

I went to the supermarket this morning to top up my prepaid mobile phone. I was
using my credit card to pay for the purchase and was surprised when I didn’t
have to sign or key in a pin. The transaction went through within ten seconds,
no proof of id required.

‘Check with your bank,’ the shop assistant said, ‘all purchases under $35 no
longer require a pin or for the customer to sign.’

Now, I don’t like this at all. $35 may not be much money but if someone else
gets their hands on my credit card they are free to make as many $35 purchases
as they wish. This does not rest well with me. I preferred my credit card when
no matter the amount spent a pin or signature were required. I know we’re all
busy but come on, what’s an extra 15 seconds at the check out to sign your name
at the bottom or key in a few digits. The only thing I can see this time saving
idea doing is encouraging people to steal credit cards and make small purchases.
By the time you report your credit card stolen, the thief could have used up
your balance by making multiple $35 purchases.

I know that from now on I’ll be extra careful with my credit card, since the ‘Visa
Express’ is becoming more popular, the credit card has become extra attractive
to theft. Then again, it might make me leave the Visa at home and end up saving
me money in the long run.

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1 Response to Visa Express

  1. That is scary! My father was a victim of credit card theft and it is a MAJOR hassle. However, if anyone stole my credit card info, the joke would be on them, because they would quickly learn that there’s not much money to spend lol.

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